The McGloughlin Brothers are experimental filmmakers and artists based in Sligo Ireland, working primarily as directors. With a background in painting, the brothers moved towards film and animation where their central passion remains.
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The McGloughlin Brothers 'On The Way' at The Now Building
Mainly working in an abstracted and expressionistic form they incorporate a myriad of experimental techniques in their endeavours, chiefly using organic and photographic methods within their practice.
Their work often involves universal similarities which create emerging patterns and symmetries achieved using assortments of photographic imagery.
They are passionate about offering a unique perspective of what it means to be alive.
The McGloughlin Brothers said:
Floating through space on our little blue marble, we often find ourselves in a quandary. Alongside the amazing strides and advancements humanity has made, science and technology bring with them a very instant and transient version of existence into our experience. With countless distractions and excessive instant stimulation, finding yourself in the world while establishing and recognising real meaning has become increasingly challenging. On The Way is an effort to portray our struggle through the scramble, in the hope that we can achieve positive growth.