We’re proud to present Squares Cubed, a ground-breaking digital art piece by acclaimed British artist Hannah Nijsten. This captivating installation, opening Wednesday, 21st August, invites visitors to embark on a multi-sensory journey through the vivid, immersive world of Hannah's unique artistic vision and her experience with synaesthesia (a condition which causes her to experience more than one sense simultaneously).

🎥 Squares Cubed
💸 Free, no booking needed

📆 Launching 21st August
🕗 Check our website or app for times
📍 The Now Building, Outernet London
🚆 Tottenham Court Road Station

Hannah's Synaesthesia Journey

Four years ago, Hannah experienced a 'neurological wobble' that left her highly sensitive to light and sound. Determined to regain her ability to walk and paint, she discovered that listening to classical music helped in her recovery. She began to experience synaesthesia, where specific musical frequencies created vivid colours and shapes in her vision. This unexpected journey added a new dimension to her artistic expression, intertwining her senses in a uniquely inspiring way.

Visitors experience Hannah Nijsten's unique exhibition at Outernet

Hannah's unique artistic vision is inspired by her experience with synaesthesia

The display takes visitors through various stages of Hannah’s artistic and neurological journey. It begins with one of Hannah’s paintings transforming into an immersive tunnel of vivid colours, drawing audiences into her artistic vision. It then moves into a vast white room, which becomes the canvas for an extraordinary display. Multiple screens fragment and animate the inner workings of Hannah's mind, coming alive with a symphony of thoughts, emotions, and inspirations, revealing what happened when her brain 'stopped working’. The final stage is a beautiful representation of the rebuilding of Hannah’s brain cells and her journey towards newfound sensitivity, highlighting her extraordinary superpower - Synaesthesia. The climax of the installation is an explosion of digital cubed balloons, each representing a fragment of Hannah’s artistic vision.

Artist Hannah Nijsten said:

As a contemporary abstract artist known for my physical paintings, I have observed a persistent disconnect between the physical and digital realms of art during exhibitions. This observation inspired the concept for my upcoming show at Outernet, a space renowned for its impressive digital art displays on their 25 metre screens. My goal is to create a seamless bridge between these two worlds, fostering a more integrated and immersive artistic experience.

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